Meet proud big sister Emi and her brand new doll Lili. <3

I always love when we can include siblings into our sessions, but I won’t lie – they’re not always easy. (And that is an understatement). There’s so much change in that big brother or sister’s life, their rank in the family has shifted, they’ve spent hours listening to their new sibling cry, and they’re frustrated that the baby can’t play barbies or trucks with them yet. But it’s precisely that change that I love to capture. Seeing the love in their eyes, the awe, the pride that comes with the responsibility of being a big sibling. And Emi completely rocks her role as big sister and rocked our session.  Liliana was the perfect baby for me as well, and I had a hard time giving her back. This is one incredible family of 4 and I’m so glad to get to meet them. xoxo

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