“A sister is a little piece of childhood that can never be lost”

– Marion C. Garretty

When I think of Hadley and Ella, I smile from ear to ear. Maybe it’s because Hadley calls me ‘Step-a-dee’ and cried hysterically when it was time to leave me. Maybe it’s because this is the third time I’ve photographed her, or because I last photographed Ella at just a few days old and now she’s almost one. Or maybe it’s because her mom and I have been friends since the first day of our first ‘big girl’ jobs. Here we were fresh out of college in some really, really tall building in the middle of Times Square, pretending we knew what we were doing. But we did it together. And now with families of our own, we still pretend we know what we’re doing 🙂 And I love that we’re still friends 13 years later. (No my math must be wrong because we graduated from college like 5 years ago right?!)

Hadley and Ella came to celebrate Ella’s big birthday. We started with some portraits of both girls (though Hadley kinda stole the show there), and then we let Ella loose on her cake. I love kids who love getting messy, and Ella did not disappoint (though Hadley did tell her she should try to eat a little neater!)  Girls I’m so glad we got the chance to play and I can’t wait to see you again soon!!!