NYC Family Photography – Meet Samantha
I loved everything about this session. I loved this family of three, I adored Samantha, and we couldn’t have chosen a better backdrop than New York City. I hope these images give you a glimpse into Sam’s incredible personality. She’s a firecracker that’s for sure. Though she JUST turned two, she has a vocabulary to rival many adults, and a way of expressing herself that just amazed me. Samantha told me that when she grows up she wants to be a bus driver, and she loved telling me about the subway, the taxis, and busses around her home. While some two year olds carry around a doll, Sam held her treasured taxi cab close during our session. And her book of choice? Of course it’s Hello, New York City.
She’s expressive and funny, independent and spirited. Though I’d ride on any bus she drives, I wouldn’t be surprised if she goes from bus driver to NYC mayor very quickly.
Here are a few of my favorites from our session, check out her funny faces and sweet moments with mom and dad.

Stefanie Diamond Photography

Stefanie Diamond Photography

Stefanie Diamond Photography

Stefanie Diamond Photography

Stefanie Diamond Photography

Stefanie Diamond Photography

Stefanie Diamond Photography