M&A: 4 Month Old Twins
Meet 4 month old twins Ayelet and Meira. Two gorgeous sisters with the most incredible eyes I’ve ever seen. I was supposed to photograph them at a few days old, but some little storm named Sandy came and put a wrench in our plans. I’m thrilled that we were able to capture this sweet stage – no longer newborns, but not yet ‘sitters’, these two were an absolute pleasure.
Meira greets everyone she sees with a huge grin; her feet kick, her arms wave as if to say “I’m the loud sister, yeah me, over here.” Ayelet is a bit more stoic. She’s selective with her smiles, but when they come they can melt your heart. Of course as with all twins, when Ayelet cried Meira laughed, and when Ayelet gave us her best smile Meira decided she needed to nap.
I cannot wait for my next session with these girls, I miss them already! And seriously, check out those eyes!