October 27, 2011
"Friends May Come And Go, But the Love of Family Lasts Forever"
When this family booked their session, they warned “we’re a lot of people, but we’re a lot of fun.” I couldn’t agree more! One thing they didn’t mention however was the love they had for each other, which was evident from the start. There were three siblings, each with their own spouses and kids. That’s 13-yes 13-kids all together. And lots of giggles. We wanted sibling shots, cousin shots, individual shots, and togetherness shots – and we succeeded.
This crew knows how to have a good time. This first set was so much fun, so laid back, and laughed the entire time.
Their youngest is one of the most beautiful boys I have ever seen. As per their family custom, they’re not cutting his hair until he’s three, so I wanted to capture these amazing blond locks before they’re gone.
Set two has five kids (including a set of twins) and they are all chock full o’ personality.

This last group of siblings loved the camera, and my camera loved them.