Last Sunday I had the honor of capturing a special day for a very special family as Ari put on Tefillin for the first time. Tefillin, also called phylacteries (meaning to guard or protect) are a set of small black leather boxes containing scrolls of parchment inscribed with verses from the Torah worn by many Jews during weekday morning prayers. Tefillin are to serve as a reminder of God’s intervention at the time of the exodus from Egypt. They’re also the first step towards a boy’s bar mitzvah, as they’re put on a month before that milestone occasion, and every day after.
I’ve known Ari’s mom literally my whole life. Our backyards ran into each others, and I remember running through that yard and into her house as a little girl. She was the cool, older neighbor who sometimes babysat for me if she wasn’t too busy. Now she’s the cool, older friend. Her family is so much fun, and gorgeous to boot, and I had a blast with them.

Meet Ari. He loves the Mets and the Jets, snowboarding, Bon Jovi, and cool cars. It just so happens that one of his favorites is the Ferrari – hence the theme of the party.
He’s sandwiched in between lots of sisters, and they love him to pieces (usually). How stunning is this crew?!

I loved how Ari’s family stood with him as he put on his tefillin, but I was most struck by the pride on his grandfather’s face as he and helped him wrap them around his arm and head. 

After the ‘Mazal Tovs’ rang through the air, it was time to Party With Ari. 

Thanks for including me in your special day, and mazal tov to Ari and his family on his upcoming bar mitzvah!
