September 11, 2011
House Full Of Girls
Having a sister is like having a best friend you can’t get rid of. You know whatever you do, they’ll still be there. ~Amy Li
This mom called me months ago to book a session for her gaggle of girls – at the time I was focusing mostly on newborn photography, but jumped at the chance to photograph people that didn’t cry when they got cold or hungry. She then told me they were teenage girls, and I realized that they might, in fact, cry for no reason. I was a teenage girl once, I remember it all too well. (And I’m sure my mom wants to forget it!)
What I love about this crew was that the girls truly are best friends. They giggled and held hands not because I asked them to, but because they wanted to. Lauryn, the oldest of the crew, was leaving for a year abroad in Israel a week after our shoot, so it was even more important for this session to go perfectly.
Just another one of the girls, mom easily blends into the mix, and it’s clear they see her as a pretty cool friend who happens to be their mom.
And living in a house with five women, I jokingly asked dad where his man-cave was. And in all seriousness he replied “I wouldn’t change a thing, a house full of these ladies is amazing.”
The feeling is mutual.