Julia Beth
Everyone should have best friends like we do. People who know you better than anyone else, and yet they like you anyway. People who drop all for you, whose joys … READ MORE
Ariella 1.1.12
Atara’s Bat Mitzvah
Happy Birthday GAVIN!
A Hollywood Affair To Remember
Oh what a night! Emily was the star of the show at her Hollywood-themed Bat Mitzvah. Her family and friends came from around the country to party with her – … READ MORE
Sweet Maya Turns 1
Gorgeous Girls
Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails
Blue Eyed Beauties
Butler Family | New Jersey Family Photographer
While the East Coast has been hit by crazy heat the past two weeks, my clients keep coming out to brave the heat and put on a happy face. This … READ MORE
Homeward Bound
Happy Birthday Daniel!
I first met this little dude just a few days after he was born, and have had the honor to watch him grow month by month! I’m not sure I … READ MORE
Playing With The Ducks
Tradition, Tradition!
I love traditions. The traditional foods eaten during holidays, traditional songs, dances, knowing these things have been passed down from generation to generation. But unlike the Fiddler on the Roof … READ MORE